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Celebrity: Vanessa Cruz's New Song Brings Controversy

Vanessa Cruz singing "Anthem for the Dead"

Vanessa Cruz de Merlo, one of the leading country music stars and the wife of a military man, released a new song Tuesday in strong support of the National Ivlyan Armed Forces and highlighting the struggle of PTSD. The song, called "Nightmare," has been strongly criticized by several Ivlyan celebrities. The loudest voice among these is rapper Santiago Lanzos, who claimed "Cruz's tactless song... glorifies the hateful violence perpetrated by our so-called 'heroic' soldiers." The unpatriotic writer of such travesties of rhyme and rhythm such as "In Style" and "New Kid on the Block" continued by saying, "Any who would willingly kill while pretending it is for the sake of the people, and not the pleasure, deserve to have PTSD." He released a statement Wednesday apologizing for his comments; however, the damage to his image was done. We here at the Parcel would like to thank our troops for their service, and can't wait for Cruz's album release scheduled later this fall!

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